2018 Virginia Beach Defense Group Future Resources Scholarship


As lawyers who live and work every day in Virginia, the Virginia Beach Defense Group is keenly aware of the need to protect and conserve the precious natural resources that our nation boasts. Virginia benefits from a large number of national parks, hiking trails, and wild areas, but in a time when our nation’s land and resources are threatened by industry and unbridled consumption, we must be constantly vigilant.

Massive pipelines spanning our nation, oil spills, mountaintop mining, fracking, clear-cut logging . . . these are just some of the dangerous practices jeopardize the land and resources that our nation prides itself and depends upon. If we hope to craft a future in which our children and grandchildren continue to benefit from the resources that current practices constantly exploit, we need people with vision, intelligence, and a strong sense of stewardship to take the lead. Without extraordinary individuals plotting a carefully-considered course for the way our nation will protect and regulate our land and resources, there may be nothing left for the future to conserve.

The Virginia Beach Defense Group is proud to sponsor conversation on the topic of natural preservation, as well as to aid in the educational goals of those who wish to achieve positive change through stewardship. The winner of the Virginia Beach Defense Group Future Resources Essay Contest will receive a $500 scholarship to help them pursue the education necessary to help build a more sustainable future.

Scholarship Eligibility

  • Candidates must be enrolled in an accredited post-secondary educational institution by Fall 2018.
  • Candidates must demonstrate a continued interest in environmental stewardship and the protection of natural resources, based on volunteer, professional, and academic experience.
  • All candidates must possess a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher to be eligible for this scholarship.

Application Requirements

  • An updated resumé, detailing relevant professional, academic, and volunteer experience
  • A 500-word essay that responds to the following question:

What do you believe is the biggest issue that currently threatens our nation’s natural resources, and what are at least two ways we can begin working to fix this issue?

  • An up-to-date official transcript from the candidate’s academic institution. If no official transcript is available, applicants may submit and up-to-date unofficial transcript, as well as the most recent official transcript from her or his previous school.
  • This cover letter (opens in PDF).

The 2018 Virginia Beach Defense Group Future Resources Scholarship winner will be announced later in the year.

Deadline and Submissions Instructions

All applications must be emailed in a single, complete submission. Partial submissions will not be considered. The official deadline for all application materials is March 31, 2019.

For questions, please email: [email protected].