Newport News Prostitution Lawyer
Prostitution is prohibited in Newport News and is punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor offense. Convictions for prostitution could result in jail time and a fine. A Newport News prostitution lawyer could assist you with your case if you are facing prostitution charges.
If you happen to have prior convictions for prostitution or related offenses and are convicted of subsequent offenses, it is possible that the penalties could be more severe due to the prior history. Whether you have prior convictions or not, a dedicated criminal defense attorney could help you fight for the best possible legal outcome in your case.
Commercial Sexual Conduct
The criminal code of Virginia describes prostitution as commercial sexual conduct. Prostitution occurs when money or its equivalent is exchanged for sexual conduct. The person offering payment for sexual conduct is the solicitor, while the person receiving payment to provide sexual conduct is the prostitute.
Prostitution is a criminal offense for which a person can be charged and tried. Section 18.2-346 of the criminal code of Virginia criminal identifies the offense of prostitution as a Class 1 misdemeanor. A Newport News lawyer for prostitution could answer questions about the laws prohibiting prostitution.
Prostitution-Related Offenses
Several other offenses related to prostitution are also prohibited in Newport News. A Newport News prostitution attorney could provide an overview of other offenses related to prostitution. Some of these offenses include:
- Solicitation
- Aiding prostitution
- Keeping a bawdy place
- Using vehicles to promote prostitution
- Receiving money from a prostitute’s earnings
Solicitation involves offering money or its equivalent to receive commercial sexual services or conduct. Aiding prostitution is an offense that involves enabling another person to commit prostitution. For example, an individual could be charged with aiding prostitution for giving another person a ride to a specific location where that person plans to commit prostitution.
Keeping a bawdy place refers to maintaining a location to be used for prostitution. Using vehicles to promote prostitution involves vehicle owners knowingly allowing their vehicle to be used for prostitution. Receiving money a prostitute’s earnings is also known as pandering and involves knowingly receiving a portion of a prostitute’s earnings for assisting or promoting the prostitute.
Prostitution Conviction Penalties
The offense of prostitution is a Class 1 misdemeanor in Newport News and is punishable, upon conviction, by a sentence of 12 months or less in jail and a fine of up to $2,500. A person with prior convictions for prostitution could potentially face a more severe sanction if convicted again. A diligent lawyer could answer questions about the possibility of a more severe punishment.
The legal penalties for convictions of other offenses related to prostitution vary depending on the misdemeanor or felony class of the offense. Prostitution-related offenses involving minors will result in an offense being charged at a higher class with more severe sanctions if convicted.
For instance, receiving money from the earnings of a prostitute, otherwise known as pandering, is a Class 4 felony unless the alleged prostitute is under age 18; in which case the offense is a Class 3 felony.
The penalty for conviction of a Class 4 felony is imprisonment for between two to ten years and a maximum fine of $100,000. The penalty for conviction of a Class 3 felony is imprisonment for between five to 20 years and a fine of $100,000. A prostitution attorney in Newport News could provide more details regarding the legal punishments for the different classes of misdemeanor and felony offenses.
Speak with a Newport News Prostitution Attorney Today
It is possible to fight prostitution charges with the assistance of a Newport News prostitution lawyer. It could be potentially advantageous to have a lawyer on your side, especially if you already have prior convictions for prostitution or related offenses.
An attorney who handles prostitution cases could protect your legal rights while helping you fight to have the charges possibly dropped or reduced. Speak with a Newport News prostitution attorney about your case today.