Suffolk Fraud Lawyer
Facing charges pertaining to fraud can be an overwhelming experience. The potential legal penalties could vary depending on the nature of the fraud charges. A Suffolk fraud lawyer could handle your case and fight the charges on your behalf.
A lawyer who is familiar with the laws regarding offenses involving fraud could prepare an appropriate defense to the charges. A knowledgeable defense lawyer could also safeguard your legal rights and help you fight for the best possible legal outcome. When you have a fraud lawyer fighting on your side, you will not have to fight alone.
Crimes Involving Fraud
Crimes involving fraud are detailed in Chapter 6 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia. Several different types of fraud-related offenses are identified in Virginia’s criminal code, including credit card fraud, issuing bad checks, forgery, and impersonation.
Crimes involving credit card fraud could include the unauthorized use of another person’s credit card or providing false information on a credit card application in order to fraudulently obtain a credit card. An example of an offense that involves issuing a bad check includes knowingly writing a check on an account for which there are insufficient funds to cash the check.
Examples of crimes involving forgery include the alteration of public records or school transcripts. Examples of crimes involving impersonation include posing as a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services provider. An experienced attorney for fraud in Suffolk could answer questions about the laws pertaining to offenses involving fraud.
Fraud Offenses Involving False Representations
A specific category of crimes involving fraud pertains to making false representations to obtain property or credit, such as a home loan. This includes making false statements or failing to disclose pertinent information in an effort to increase the likelihood of being approved for a loan or other type of credit. Even just conspiring to make false statements to obtain property or credit is a chargeable offense.
Suffolk Fraud Penalties
The legal penalties for fraud convictions in Suffolk vary depending on the nature of the fraud charges. Making or conspiring to make false statements to obtain property or credit is a class one misdemeanor, the penalties for which are a jail term of twelve months or less and a fine of $2,500 or less.
Fraud offenses involving the impersonation of a law enforcement officer are class one misdemeanors for a first conviction. Subsequent offenses of impersonating an officer are charged as class six felonies. The penalties for convictions of class one misdemeanors include a jail term of up to 12 months and a fine, while the penalties for convictions for class six felonies include a prison term of one to five years and a fine.
Fraud offenses involving forgery are categorized differently depending on the nature of the offense. Forgery, in general, is a class four felony, which is punishable by a prison term of two to ten years and a fine. Falsifying or altering school transcripts is a class three misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine.
Let a Suffolk Fraud Attorney Assist You
There are many different types of offenses that fall under the category of fraud. Unless you understand fraud laws, it can be difficult to know how to best defend yourself against charges of fraud. A Suffolk fraud lawyer could help you with your case.
A lawyer familiar with fraud laws could provide a professional recommendation for the best way to proceed with your case. Should you choose to fight fraud charges, a lawyer could provide legal representation, protect your rights, and fight for the best possible outcome. Consult with a Suffolk attorney for fraud today.