Virginia Beach Gun Possession Lawyer
To own a firearm in Virginia, a person would go to a licensed gun dealer and determine if they are eligible. They will perform a background check and when the person passes that background check, they are eligible in Virginia to possess a firearm, it is not a complicated process or lengthy. However, if you were allegedly caught with an illegal firearm, you should contact a skilled gun lawyer immediately. They can help get the charges dropped, or the penalties reduced, using their experience with the Virginia Beach Judicial System. Virginia Beach gun possession lawyers can help build a strong defense in order to create a solid case.
They can help get the charges dropped, or the penalties reduced, using their experience with the Virginia Beach Judicial System. Virginia Beach gun possession lawyers can help build a strong defense in order to create a solid case.
Holding Registration
In Virginia, if someone is eligible to carry a firearm, they can carry it anytime. If they are in public and not carrying it openly, like it is under a coat or in a holster that is under the person’s shirt, they have to have a concealed carry permit. If it is visible, like in a holster, the person cannot wave it around, but they can carry it anytime.
If the person has a concealed carry permit, they should always have that, especially if carrying it hidden on their person or in their car, like in a glove box or under the seat. The person should always have their concealed carry permit with them. Otherwise, they do not need anything. In Virginia, there is no registry, so they cannot check the person’s firearms and get them for an unlicensed firearm. If the person has proof of purchase showing that it is theirs, it is not a bad thing to have, but it is not required.
Handling Firearms
A lot of people would want to own a firearm for safety reasons. That is probably the most common. People feel that to combat crime or somebody with a gun, the best way to do that is to have a gun. There are a fair number of hunters in Virginia Beach who own guns for hunting, but in the surrounding counties, people who are gun enthusiasts own guns simply because they enjoy them.
One thing the person should not do is flourish it or wave it around. They should keep it in a holster on their waist so that nobody thinks they are trying to use it or scare people with it. Also, there are gun-free zones, such as schools, federal buildings, or government buildings. Individuals do not want to go near a school with a firear because that can trigger a federal charge.
Illegal Firearm Consequences
The reality is the manner in which the person possesses a gun matters and usually those are misdemeanor charges. Because the person is possessing it but concealed, the person is not licensed to do that, or the person was handling it or operating it in a way that was unsafe or reckless. A person can be charged with brandishing or recklessly handling the firearm. If the person is committing a crime with it, that is another charge. If the person was using it for a robbery or a murder, the person would be charged with using a firearm to commit whatever felony the person was committing.
If the illegality was that a person must not have a firearm in the first place, they can be charged with the unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon law violations in Virginia Beach, by somebody who is adjudicated, or by someone who was ineligible to own a firearm because they have a past felony, a protective order against the person, or they had a commitment to a mental health hospital and did not get their rights restored.
Contact an Attorney
An illegal gun possession charge can be very challenging to deal with in court, if you are not properly represented by a highly skilled and experienced gun lawyer. If you are charged with the illegal possession of a firearm, it is imperative that you contact a Virginia Beach gun possession attorney. They can help you fight your charges and get you back to living your life.