Benefits of a Virginia Beach Theft Attorney
When a person is charged with a crime, it is essential to contact an attorney as soon as possible. An attorney has years of experience studying and arguing the law, and often might know something that the client does not know. They may even know legal strategies unknown to the prosecutor.
There are many benefits of a Virginia Beach theft attorney. An experienced theft lawyer will be the person’s advocate throughout the legal proceedings. They could speak with the prosecutor, asset protection, police, and any other parties that may be involved in the matter to help you fight the charges.
Initial Steps to Take To Prepare the Defense
The first meeting between a lawyer and a lawyer’s client is the most important. It is at that meeting where the client must tell the lawyer every detail of the case. This includes whether the client was stopped in the store, if any items were recovered from the client, whether there are any witnesses, and whether there are any statements made by asset protection. The lawyer will call every witness and see if the facts match the elements of the crime of larceny.
Another one of the initial steps that a criminal lawyer will take is filing for discovery. Discovery is one of the only ways a defense attorney can get a picture of what the prosecutor’s case will be. In Virginia, in General District Court, an accused is entitled to receive their criminal history along with any information obtained by police and any statements that the defendant made to law enforcement, including any video of the accused. Often, videos can be the decisive factor in determining whether any thefts occurred at all.
Experts In a Theft Case
Often, identity is an issue with theft cases. A useful expert will be a witness identification expert, an eyewitness identification expert to testify to the reliability or unreliability of eyewitness testimony. Another issue that comes up frequently is that of value. An expert appraiser can evaluate a piece of personal property and determine its worth. The difference of $1 can change the charge from misdemeanor to a felony or felony to a misdemeanor.
Reduced Sentence Options When Facing Theft Charges
One of the many benefits of a Virginia Beach theft attorney is mitigating the consequences of a conviction. If the charged person has few criminal convictions, there are options such as a deferred finding that can reduce sentencing. The judge will order the finding of guilt, and if the accused completes certain requirements and stays out of trouble for a period, then the judge can dismiss the charge. Other options include taking anti-theft classes. A skilled theft lawyer may help convince a judge or prosecutor that dismissal or a lesser charge is warranted.
How a Theft Attorney Could Help
A person convicted of theft in Virginia Beach should consider hiring an attorney. Even though they have been convicted of theft already, there are still other options available. For example, if the client has not been sentenced, then hiring a theft attorney might create the opportunity for the client to receive a lesser sentence. The attorney can call witnesses to testify on the client’s behalf. On top of that, there is also the option of appealing the case. Even with a guilty plea, the option of appeal is available.
If it is not a guilty plea, then the attorney can look through the court record to see if there were any legal errors that led to the conviction of the client. Based on those errors, the attorney could ask the Court of Appeals of Virginia or the Supreme Court of Virginia to reverse the client’s charges and dismiss them.
Let an experienced theft attorney help you fight the charges. Call today to learn more about the benefits of a Virginia Beach theft attorney.